Friday, September 20, 2013

7 Quick Takes (10)

I never have a theme...ah well...

Last Saturday, the mom's group I am apart of had a family picnic! It was the first of its kind but I am really hoping to make it an annual event. Usually when I see these women and their kids, it's when the dads are at work but what a joy it was to meet them, mingle and to see all the dads hanging out! I know this group of ladies is something special and I want so very much for our other halves to know each other! We had a great turn out for a Saturday, around 15 families came and everyone had a blast! 
My dare devil 10 month old scaled the kid-sized picnic table in 5 seconds flat to get a water bottle that had been left behind. This was after attempting to eat all the acorns and leaves on the ground. I can't wait til she can walk!

I'm in introvert. I can hold my own in a conversation and have no troubles in big crowds, but toward the end of parties or after a busy day, I hit a wall. 
I'm done.
Headache. Crankiness. Don't talk to me or I might bite your head off kind of wall.
I need to recharge
So, when I asked Mark if we could split Mass last Sunday and actually "be present" at Mass, he knew I need a little Jesus time to kick my butt back in gear.
And you know what, it was exactly what I needed! Prayer. Quiet. A fantastic, on point homily and...
a "quick" Target shopping trip afterward! 
I may have been gone longer than anticipated
I sent him this text after being gone for over 2.5 hours (including Mass)
I love him so much! Our sense of humor is the exact same! 

It's getting a little chilly here in the 'burgh and I've been trying to get all the winter clothes organized. Upon organizing, I found that both littles have a pair of overalls that currently fit them.
Juls insisted that they both wear them so they could be "twins"
cuteness overload. 
On Wednesday I had my first Bible Study session with an actual discussion and it was FANTASTIC! The Holy Spirit was rocking and rolling in our group! It's such a blessing to have a group of women from all walks of life to learn the Bible with. The Gospel of John is DEEP but as I was driving the other day, it hit me. I have studied other books of Bible, but this, this year I am going to be taking an in depth look into Jesus' life! To study His words, His works and His ways. I am excited to get to know Jesus better! 

One of the women in the group said something very profound, at least I thought so, that I'd like to share, mostly to get it onto "paper" so I don't forget it.
We were discussing how Jesus is the Word made flesh. And she said that few years ago she was meditating on this name for Jesus and it hit her (thanks Holy Spirit!)! All the years that God the Father sent prophets to His people, telling them how to live and follow His commandments so that they would be pleasing to Him. prophet after prophet, all the knowledge and wisdom that was poured into their hearts and  out to the people was the Word of God, but it was ignored. Pushed aside and people gave into sin, even the prophets that were speaking the Word were only human and also gave into sin.
Finally, God the Father decided, the make the Word into a human being so that not only was the Word being spoken, it was being lived in the person of Jesus Christ! The Word made flesh! 
Mind blown. I seriously love learning! 

Miriam is teething. 
 This is how we both feel about the whole situation. 
She had a fever for two days, a vomiting incident, major snoring action because of some congestion and some extra whining. She's been extra drooly and chewing on her fingers like crazy! Poor girl! 
There are a few times in the past couple days when she has been herself, playing and such
Retail therapy. It's good for the soul! 
Why must teething be so painful...and LONG!!! 

This is totally random but I think of it bc I have yet to shower's 2:14pm. 
I wish I had cute ponytail hair.
I don't. I also don't have cute 2nd day hair. 
A ponytail on some can look sleek, stylish or even sexy.
I look like a grease ball, gym rat without the gym rat physique. 
The running shorts and old college t-shirt don't help but hey, when you gotta rock a baseball cap bc your 10 month old will play in the toilet if you attempt to shower, gym clothes it is.
My fashion professors from college would have a field day with me.
So to all you sleek, sexy, stylin' ponytail wearers, count your blessings. 

Join all the other Quick Takers at!!! 
Happy FRIDAY!!!

1 comment:

  1. #dryshampoo #lifesaver #suave #2.95cheapattarget #loveforseconddayahair #ipromise
