We are in full swing of fall activities - school, sports, Bible Study, CCD, planning birthdays and early Christmas shopping! Summer is a fantastic time of year but I do enjoy a schedule and I am realizing that so does Juliana. She is bored to tears, literally, when we aren't constantly on the move. I am not an extrovert and can not handle busy days daily. Which is why I am excited there's more going on now and that she begins preschool in a few weeks! :)
Although Juls won't turn 3 until 10/22 (feast of Blessed JPII...pretty cool day!), she is able to attend the "preschool" offered at the local high school's child development program. I am certain she is going to LOVE it! Like, alot! She is extremely verbal, outgoing, a total people person and loves to play with anyone in a 1 foot radius! It's 3 days a week for about 10 weeks and it's only $30! Seriously, look into it for your kiddos...It's a total deal!
I am concerned for next fall when she's almost 4 and is in the 3's class for actual preschool. I know we can cross that bridge when we get there, but I fear she will be again, bored to tears, and tempted to entertain herself in ways that will get her in trouble.
Speaking of trouble, I am volunteering this year as an aide for 7th grade CCD. I have taught this grade before but my brain isn't in an shape to plan lessons weeks in advance and think of fun ways to teach 12 year olds about the faith. I hate doing things half-way and I know that's what it would be if I took on a whole class.
Anyway...this week was the first week and HOLY HYPER children!!! Now, it was the first class and I am certain they were testing the waters to see how far they could push the teachers but let me 'splain something to ya'll: I am not a pushover. I don't put up with rude, disrespectful, talking while your talking, I know more than you behavior. You better check it at the door or we will be having words with the DRE and your Momma!
Of course, it wasn't all the children and those who were actually participating made me appreciate being back in the classroom. But, I also prayed special prayers that night for those bad boys, their parents and their teachers.
Things are gonna be changing in their life...
Another wonderful happening this week was the start of my weekly Catholic Scripture Study (i.e Bible Study). This is my 3rd year participating in CSS and I am super excited to learn more about the beloved disciple John and his Gospel. The best thing about CSS is the child care that is available!! For a minimal fee a sweet, more than qualified woman and another member CSS watch the kids so Mommas can deepen their knowledge of the faith!! :)
Juls loves Bible Study and has been begging to go back since it ended in June and Miriam did wonderful her first week!
It's such a blessing to have this in Pittsburgh! I need to continue to grow in my faith; for myself, my marriage, my children, my friends, my family.
Thursday evening I had the pleasure of hosting an Usborne book party! I believe I have mentioned these books before and I hope you are able to encounter them, especially if you have kids! They are engaging, fun, educational, and the selection is HUGE!!
The book part being great was a given but I had advertised this a Brownie and Book party which meant I had been searching for weeks for the perfect recipes to bake for my party!
Here are the 3 I ended up using:
Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip = Best Brownie I have ever made, possibly ever eaten! It was perfectly moist, but dense enough to have that "brownie" texture and not "cake" texture. If you can eat all the ingredients, make them! You will not regret it (but I advise you to make them and take them out of your house because you will want to eat the whole pan!)
Lemon "Brownie" Bars = Yummy non-chocolate option! I was excited to zest my first lemon and bake a lemon cake and top it with lemon icing. These "brownies" were lemony and delicious. I will say, the recipe calls for over 5 Tbs of lemon zest and only 2 lemons. Well, I don't know what kind of mamonth size lemons they were working with but I got about 2Tbs of zest for my 2 lemons. I just added a bit of extra lemon juice and let's just say, no one complained about the missing 'zest'!
Blondies = ehh...not the greatest but I'd be willing to make them again and make some (more) modifications. I added vanilla because, well, I found it odd that it didn't call for it and added butterscotch chips! I would take away a Tbs or so of butter because they were greasy and the baking time wasn't long enough.
*I have no formal training as a baker. I do have years of experience with eating baked goods and I feel that helps to qualify myself as an expert in delicious baked goods!
Does anyone else thoroughly enjoy getting their hair washed at the salon? I love it. Love it! Like, if I ever won the lottery there isn't many frivolous things I feel like I would spend the money on, but I might consider weekly (okay, daily) head massaging/hair washing! So relaxing!
I have the best husband, sorry ladies that you didn't score him. #sorrynotsorry
I know marriages go through waves, some rough, some exciting, sometimes we just ride the calm waters before a storm hits. While having a baby is certainly a huge blessing, I will say that the 10 or so months after each of our kids' births have been more of the rough waves. Everyone is tired and adjusting to life all over again. And maybe it's just our marriage maturing and we are getting to know each other better. Maybe we are really making an effort to put the other first.
I say all of this because not only am I beginning to appreciate all he does for our family but I am starting to voice my appreciation! And for all of you non-believers in the 5 Love Languages, I say, you're wrong! Mark is a clear "receives love through words and praise". And I am NOT a words person. I am not a touchy feeling, tell you all that's on my mind and how great you are. So it's a struggle for me, it's unnatural, to say the words but to see the way he blossoms with praise just makes me love him more!
happy Saturday...sorry, a day late...sorry I've been gone for 3 weeks!
Check out Jen and all the folks for more!
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