Wednesday, February 5, 2014


First let me thank you all for your prayers, emails and kind words. I am so grateful to have such wonderful women in my life.

Mark went and met with the surgeon this past Friday. This appointment was a meet and greet, let the surgeon have a first hand look at all the scans and set up the biopsy. Well, I wasn't able to attend because I was in FLORIDA (more on that later) and I was super nervous b/c I felt like I should be there but Mark was having none of the idea of me cancelling my trip. He was like "you need this trip more than you need to be at this appointment." And he's right on both accounts. The appointment went extremely well. The nurses treated him like their own son and the surgeon had some positive news also. I mentioned that there are 3 possible outcomes and the surgeon is fairly certain that it's the best one of the 3 - sarcoidosis. The only way to prove this is with a biopsy. Plus, he's said he's been wrong before and with Mark only being 31 and having his whole life ahead of him, he is not taking any chances.

The biopsy is taking place tomorrow (Thursday) morning. Not sure of the time just yet but I'm sure it will be at o'dark-thirty! It's a fairly routine outpatient procedure and should only take about an hour. And he should be up and around by Friday. Then we wait for the results. They could be anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks. ::Sigh::

Let me tell you though, after Mark heard how positive the surgeon was and confident in what he saw, Mark's whole demeanor changed. I could hear it instantly in his voice in the message he left as he was leaving the office. It as if all this weight of worry has been lifted off of him. He's had more energy in the past few days then he's had in a month. Now, I am still worried and am cautious of him over working himself but it's so refreshing to have him almost back to his normal self.

Please pray and I'll do my best to keep this updated.

1 comment:

  1. Continuing to pray here and thanking God for good news and positive outlooks!

    Why does the medical profession insist every procedure be in the wee hours of morning ;0)
