Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Five, friends and saving money!

Haven't linked up to Five Faves in a long time but, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am trying to think good thoughts!
Heart to hearts with my Husband.
It had been way to long since we sat down and really shared our souls with each other. The nitty gritty. The not so pretty. The demons that plague us.
But, as we sat in the late hours of the evening, openly sharing our hearts, weight lifted off our shoulders and tears of JOY filled my eyes.
The lies that we believe. The doubt that creeps in. The separation that could occur between my husband and I with out the Holy Spirit and our Guardian angels fighting our spiritual battles with us. The peace when it's all out on the table.
Laughter amongst the littles
Juls (3) and Miriam (1) are really beginning to "play" together! It's such a joy to watch them mimic each other, giggle together, chase each other around and inevitably, hurt one another.
The bumps and bruises are a small price to pay for the memories they are creating.
 Miriam can now say "Duwi" (Juli) and if you ask where Juli is, she squeals "Duwi! Duwi! Duwi!
I am so, so pleased that they have each other!
Saving Money!
I mean, who doesn't love saving some dough!
It's cold in Pittsburgh. It snowed yesterday and this morning. Yes, it's only November 13th and the white stuff is already falling...which means, a heavy coat and boots are necessary items!
I have had the same Winter dress coat for 5+ years and it just wasn't doing it for me anymore (vain I know bc technically it's in perfect condition which is why I will donate it!) so I was on the look out for a new dress coat.
I found a lovely camel color coat, very flattering to my figure and on sale at Target! As I had it on, I thought, let me check the Cartwheel App on my phone and see if I can get extra % off...
And I could!
20% more off the already reduced price!
I save $22 on my new coat, which I will have for 5+ years!
Check out the App! You can save on all kinds of items from Milk to toothpaste, throw pillows to Christmas décor! Every-thang! Even Diapers!
(apparently, you do have to have Facebook to sign up, FYI)
Best Friends
Last weekend I was able to run out to Marshalls by myself (thank you gift cards for my bday!) and try on some dresses. With Mark's Holiday parties right around the corner, I really wanted to have my outfits lined up. Last year I had a newborn and my body was well, not my own and I was panicked the day of the party trying to figure out what to wear!  I fall to pieces in stressful situations and not having an outfit that I feel comfortable and confident in, is stressful to me!
He is pretty high up in his company and I want to look my best when we attend parties with VPs, CEOs and his managing peers. B/c lets face it, I'm typing this post in oversized sweatpants with dirty, greasy hair. Not my best look!
Since I was shopping alone, I had my phone ready to take a pic of my outfits in question and send a text to my friends and sisters.
Don't act like you've never done it.
Well, I texted a pic to my BFF Jen and she texted back that she had bought the same dress a month ago!
I knew it looked familiar! She had sent me a pic from the dressing room asking for my opinion! :)
Jen in her dress!
Me in mine!

Family, specifically siblings
This weekend, I' taking the littles down to MD! My sweet nephew (bro's first babe) is getting baptized and we wouldn't miss such a blessed occasion! My sister from RI and her daughter (8 months old) will be in town too! My sister from MS won't be able to make it but I am sure there will be lots of FaceTiming! It's rare for all of us to get together but MAN, do I cherish the moments we have when we can gather. It's super exciting that Juls, Miriam and their 2 cousins are all so close in age! And it's so amazing to see my siblings (older) grow into their roles as Mom and Dad. It's not often that I, the youngest sibling, gets to experience something before they do but I was a Mom before either of them were a parent. It's kinda cool to watch your older brother and sister grow up! :)
Thanks Hallie! :)


  1. I am also a Pittsburgher! (Well, sort of, I've moved a bit outside but am still a Pittsburgher, at hear) and I am already tired of the cold this winter… sigh. I love that you and your best friend picked out the same dress! By the way, is there any bigger luxury than time to yourself in Marshalls (or TJ Maxx)

  2. Congrats on #1 - what a wonderful and important exercise to practice!

    The dress thing is hysterical. Guess that's why you're friends :0)

  3. I love this post. :)
    And I love that you posted about the dress!! Hilarious!! And it really does look great on both of us!
