Here, there and everywhere...
Life has been busy. I have been running from one place to the other, all week long! Really looking forward to Holy Week next week...I need to slow down and reflect on the amazing gift that Jesus gave us on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Speaking of Jesus, have you been watching 'The Bible' mini-series on The History Channel? It's really good! I am a bit of a Catholic nerd and have grown to love the Bible so much more over the past 3 years of doing Bible studies at a local parish. You should check out the remaining 2 episodes, and catch up on the previous 3 (they rerun it all the time, might be on demand or online)
One of the many places I have been running is to doctors offices, both for myself and Miriam. I am finally getting some PT for my knee (old injury, had surgery in 2008 and it started to really bother me again while pregnant w/Miriam) and I had my hearing checked. I have never had good hearing. I ALWAYS failed the tests that the schools did but being the sixth of six, Momma didn't always react to our ailments the way other parents might. Oh, and we were poor so there wasn't an option for special docs and hearing aids. But, now my husband has talked me into (possibly) getting hearing aids. Super exciting.
Miss Miriam has been battling an eyelid inflammation for a month or so now and we finally got the right medicine to heal it! It's called Blepharitis and it was EXTREMELY bothersome to her, not to mention really ugly looking! But w/the correct eye lid cleaners (really, they do exist) and cream, it's 90% healed in a week! She is in much better spirits and is much happier (is that possible?)!
Last weekend I sent Mark to get the Eyelid Wipes from Walgreens and he took Juls w/him (yay, a few moments of peace and quiet...Miriam fell asleep while he was gone and I had a cup of coffee and read 7 Quick Takes... from last Friday). But when he came back
he was like, "There was a great sale on the wipes!"
Me: "really? awesome! What was the sale?"
Mark: Well, you buy the eyelid wipes and you get 2 cans of cashews for regular price!
Me: LOL! I was cracking up...
As Juli would say, Silly Goose, that's not a sale! :)
Miss Juliana is ready for potty training. Tear. She is a big girl and is showing all the signs:
-knows when she pees/poops and tells us
-doesn't like to sit in her pee/poop and asks to get changed
-can pull her pants up/down by herself
-asks to use the potty but just a few mins too late.
Can't believe she is almost 2 1/2 years old. Time is flying. We will do a potty training weekend the weekend after Easter. Prayers appreciated! Oh and advice!
I am living out my dreams through our kids. Samantha starts gymnastics tomorrow. She is almost 10 and has been asking to do it for a while now. We finally worked w/her mom, figured out a time and set it up! She is excited and nervous all at once. She said she had a bad dream last night about the first class that I wasn't there, she had to wear Princess stuff (the horror!) bc we didn't have anything else, her mom didn't see the big deal about the Princess clothing (I would have said the same thing in real life)...
I always wanted to do gymnastics. I hope it goes well. She isn't terribly flexible, but if her heart is in the right place, she will have fun, do great and learn tons of new tricks!! Prayers for that too!!
Don't forget to check out Jen and all the others for 7 QTS of the week!