Monday, February 25, 2013

"I go my Mom's house!"

Are you a younger sibling? Or did you have a younger sibling? Do you watch your children and caution the older one to watch their behavior and words because you know that whatever the older one does the younger one will shortly follow suite?

Sammy and Juls 12/2011
Juliana adores her older sister Samantha! Most of Juliana's play is made up of emulating someone in her life. Her top 3 are Mommy, Sammy and Daddy. She will often "nurse" her baby doll (like Mommy does w/Miriam), work on her laptop and go to work like Daddy but more times than not, she is emulating Samantha. She is often doing her "homework" and having me check it, playing piano like Sammy or she is "going my Mom's house" like Sammy does every other week. She will tell me that "her mom" will pick her up at the bus stop, "her step-dad" is working or talk about Sammy's other siblings like they are her own.

Sisters Christmas morning 2012

Ever since Juliana can remember Samantha is here one week and not the next. We talk openly about the fact that I am not Sammy's Mommy but I am her Step-Mom. We explain to Juli that she has 1 Mom, 1 Dad and 1 house every time she plays this game. Does she understand this? Probably not, but this is our life. This is going to be apart of her life forever. Samantha will always be her sister but she will also always have other siblings and family members that are not Juli's.

 It's a confusing situation for most outsiders but it's our normal life. There are somethings that are more complicated because of the shared custody but all in all, it's MORE than worth it to have Sammy here as often as she is. I am incredibly close to my siblings, especially my sisters, and I am grateful that Juliana (and Miriam) have Samantha as their older sister.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Struck Speechless

Well, Miss Juliana has to get tubes in her ears. :( Since September 2012 she has had 5 or 6 ear infections and one case of strep throat. I seriously count our blessings every time I can just call the doctor's office, schedule an appointment and get the medicine needed to make her better again...but I digress.

So, we get home from the ENT's office and I call the surgical coordinator, leave all my info and she calls back a few minutes later. Nice lady, older (probably thought I was a nut job!) Read on:

Nice Lady: We will schedule Juliana for March 1st in the morning
Me: Great! (much quicker than I thought) What time? (thinking 8am or so)
Nice Lady: The office will call you the day before but it will probably be a 7:30am surgery meaning you will have to be there at 5:30am (said calmly as if this wasn't a completely RIDICULOUS super early, never do I want to be awake much less dealing w/my 2 year old, time)
Me: 5:30 in the morning?
Nice Lady: (losing patience w/me) yes, because she can't eat past midnight before the surgery
Me: ...uh, um,... well, I, uh,...that's really early...uh, um,...(mentally FREAKING OUT!)

How am I going to get myself, my husband (who loves to sleep more than he loves most things in life), Juls and my infant baby up, out the door and to the outpatient center by 5:30 IN THE MORNING?!?! Has this lady never had children? Do you know HOW LONG we mothers (and fathers) work to get children to sleep through the night and you want me to wake not one, but two children before 5:30am? Seriously Nice Lady, you're smoking something.

Me: Well, that's fine...I guess. I'll just work something out. (trying to sound calm but SO not pulling it off!)
Nice Lady: Okay, you could fine someone to watch the baby
Me: Yeah... (clearly this lady has never breastfed a baby...The first thing that has to happen in the morning is this kid NEEDS to eat! Stat!)

I get off w/her and call Mark at work:

Mark: Hello
Me: I am having a slight panic attack...(go into whole story and am so not calm)
Mark: Coll, I can just take her.
Me: Oh, hmm... (reflecting on this mind-blowingly logical option that never once entered my head until he spoke the words). I guess you could.

Of course it makes perfect sense for him to take her. It's so much easier and he is so good w/Juliana that there is not a speck of concern, but, she's my baby. My big, 2 year old sassy, spunky and full of too much knowledge for her own good baby girl. It will all work out and she will be fine but it seriously caught me off guard when she said 5:30am. These are things the doctor just happens to forget to tell you. Mental preparedness people, it's a way MY of life!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A peek into our family

The In's and Out's of my little "Modern" family

 I started a blog over a year ago but never did much w/it. I didn't like the name and "got sad", as my husband Mark and I always say when we feel like the air has been let out us.
My handsome hubby and I

But, alot has changed since then.  Samantha, my step-daughter, is approaching 10 and we shake our heads in disbelief of this fact and how old it seems, especially since I met her at 4 1/2 years old! Sammy is our musically gifted one. She sings in the children's choir, plays the flute, learning the piano and is constantly humming a tune! She also love duct tape (it's a trend, don't ask), reading, playing w/friends and traveling w/family. She is a great big sister!
Samantha Spring 2008, almost 5
Samantha Fall 2012, 9 1/2

 Juliana is 2 going on 12 and is Ms. Sassy Pants but oh how smart she is and full of life! She is always good for a laugh and what a blessing it is to watch her mind expand everyday! She loves her sisters and at the present moment has some classic "middle child" moments when Mom is busy w/Miriam and Dad is busy w/Sammy, but oh, does she let us know she is still around.
Juls Christmas 2012...Miss Curly Q!

 And our sweet Miriam, the ripe old age of 3.5 months! She arrived 11/2/12 and is just a doll! She is a sweet baby and so calm compared to her older sister Juliana. She surprises us everyday w/all the new things she is learning...biggest milestones to date are laughing on her 3 month birthday, rolling over from belly to back, pulling toys to herself while on her tummy and babbling away for minutes at a time!

Miriam at her 3 month "photo shoot"

They are my life. What I live for each and every day. I'm still getting the hang of this blogging thing, but as w/all things, practice makes perfect! :)